Salesforce – How to retrieve list of Chatter Files related to a record?

Files associated with a record can be stored in 2 ways: as an attachment (in the Notes & Attachments related list) as well as Salesforce Content (using Chatter Files).

Recently I had a task to create Visualforce pages, which put on the Page Layout as inline Visualforce showed the files posted by Chatter Files associated with the record. Adding files was carried out by the Chatter. Assigning Topics to an entry in Chatter allowed to filter files by this as a category.

Szyfrowanie pendrive’a – jak zabezpieczyć pendrive hasłem?

Zdarza mi się korzystać z zewnętrznych nośników typu pendrive czy dysk zewnętrzny do przenoszenia rożnych materiałów. Jednak problemem w przypadku zgubienia lub kradzieży nośnika będzie nie tylko jego fizyczna utrata, ale również wyciek danych. Oto jak się przed tym zabezpieczyć szyfrując dysk / pendrive poprzez TrueCrypt.

How to parse large XML files in PHP?

Some time ago I was faced with the problem of parsing large XML files in PHP. While the small files are no problem and all is quickly parsed, an attempt to pare larger files often causes timeout or Internal Server Error. Such large files, however, are often used for remote updates of offers (eg, published by the wholesalers). How to deal with it?