I recently bought a Huawei smartwatch and while it can hold up to 10-14 days of battery life, it does not support WearOS. And that
Salesforce – How to redirect Community Cloud user to its related Account?
Today I got a following requirement for a Community Cloud.
Can we have a link in a community header or navigation bar or menu, that will redirect user to its related Account? So that we show his Account details?
Salesforce – Automate Your Currency Rates
In one of the projects, there was a requirement to allow Finance Users to update currency rates. But managing currencies in Salesforce require having both “Customize Application” and “View Setup and Configuration” permissions. That would give access to multiple setup features, not only related to currencies.
That brought me a question – what if there are more organizations with similar need. How to allow Finance User to update currency rates without having to ask System Admin to do that?
Implement mobile notifications from any app or script
Although I am no longer a professional web developer, I still write some scripts from time to time, to help me in life. These scripts could vary from backup scripts to some website parser processing.
Their execution times ranged between a few minutes to a few hours. What I wanted to have is some notification that a script has ended its execution, so I could check the results. What options do I have?
Salesforce – How to automatically clean up profiles and permission sets?
I recently had a problem – I needed to
- retrieve profiles and permission sets from Salesforce dev org
- clean them up to prepare for deployment
Although retrieving is easy, manual cleaning takes some time. Especially when you have to do the same from time to time.
This might happen if we have different API version between orgs, or a
managed package installed in source org and not in destination org.
2018: My Year in Review
In this post I would like to share information about what I managed to achieve in matters related to professional life in 2018. Two Salesforce certificates, Amazon Web Services, changing work, 2 week trip to Gran Canaria and much more.
Salesforce – How to retrieve and deploy Lead mapping?
There are projects where I work on lead conversion and I have to move lead mapping from one sandbox to another (or production). As I do it quite rarely, I always have to Google how exactly should I do it. This post is my memo about doing it using ANT.
Salesforce – How to solve Insufficient Privileges error?
Have you ever received Insufficient Privileges error after trying to access some record? Or maybe one of your Salesforce users reported this problem?
Not everyone knows that Salesforce provides a handy feature that allows checking why a specific user has access to some record (for standard or custom object).
Jak zrobić kopię zapasową całego folderu? Skrypt dla WIndows
Na co dzień używam Total Commandera i często przydaje mi się opcja tworzenia kopii zapasowej całego katalogu. Ale znalazłem znacznie wygodniejszą metodę, dzięki czemu stworzyłem prosty skrypt .bat dla Windows który znacznie usprawnia pracę.
How to backup an entire folder? Script for Windows
I use Total Commander every day and it has a useful option to backup the entire folder. But I’ve found much more convenient solution, which is why I created a simple .bat script that makes the work easier.